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PresentationScientific activities Year 2013
Year 2013
- Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Caumont-Prim A, Houzard C, Hignette C, Hernigou A, Halimi P, Niccoli P, Leboulleux S, Amar L, Borson-Chazot F, Cardot-Bauters C, Delemer B, Chabolle F, Coupier I, Libé R, Peitzsch M, Peyrard S, Tenenbaum F, Plouin PF, Chatellier G, Rohmer V. Imaging work-up for screening of paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma in SDHx mutation carriers: A multicenter prospective study from the PGL.EVA investigators. J Clin Endocr Metab. 2013;98:E162-173. Lien
- Gautier A, Bonnet F, Dubois S, Massart C, Grosheny C, Bachelot A, Aubé C, Balkau B, Ducluzeau PH. Associations between visceral adipose tissue, inflammation and sex steroid concentrations in men. Clin Endocrinol 2013;78:373-378. Lien
- Bourez S, Van den Daelen C, Le Lay S, Poupaert J, Larondelle Y, Thomé JP, Schneider YJ, Dugail I, Debier C. The dynamics of accumulation of PCBs in cultured adipocytes vary with the cell lipid content and the lipophilicity of the congener. Toxicol Lett. 2013;216:40-46. Lien
- Pina G, Dubois S, Murat A, Berger N, Niccoli P, Peix JL, Cohen R, Guillausseau C, Charrie A, Chabre O, Cornu C, Borson-Chazot F, Rohmer V. Is basal ultrasensitive measurement of calcitonin capable of substituting for the pentagastrin-stimulation test? Clin Endocrinol. 2013;78;358-364. Lien
- Duluc L, Jacques C, Soleti R, Iacobazzi F, Simard G, Andriantsitohaina R. Modulation of mitochondrial capacity and angiogenesis by red wine polyphenols via estrogen receptor, NADPH oxidase and nitric oxide synthase pathways. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2013;45:783-791. Lien
- Mostefai HA, Bourget JM, Meziani F, Martinez MC, Leonetti D, Mercat A, Asfar P, Germain L, Andriantsitohaina R. Interleukin-10 controls the protective effects of circulating microparticles from septic shock patients on tissue-engineered vascular media. Clin Sci 2013;125:77-85. Lien
- Bernard V, Lombard-Bohas C, Taquet MC, Caroli-Bosc FX, Ruszniewski P, Niccoli-Sire P, Guimbaud R, Chougnet CN, Goichot B, Rohmer V, Borson-Chazot F, Baudin E. Efficacy of everolimus in patients with metastatic insulinoma and refractory hypoglycemia. Eur J Endocrinol 2013;168:665-74. Lien
- Thevenon J, Bourredjem A, Faivre L, Cardot-Bauters C, Calender A, Murat A, Giraud S, Niccoli P, Odou MF, Borson-Chazot F, Barlier A, Lombard-Bohas C, Clauser E, Tabarin A, Parfait B, Chabre O, Castermans E, Ruszniewski P, Le Bras M, Delemer B, Bouchard P, Beckers A, Guilhem I, Rohmer V, Goichot B, Caron P, Baudin E, Chanson P, Groussin L, Du Boullay H, Weryha G, Lecomte P, Penfornis A, Bihan H, Archambeaud F, Kerlan V, Duron F, Kuhn JM, Vergès B, Rodier M, Renard M, Sadoul JL, Binquet C, Goudet P. Higher risk of death among MEN1 patients with mutations in the JunD interacting domain. A GTE cohort study (Groupe d'etude des Tumeurs Endocrines). Hum Mol Genet 2013;23:1940-8. Lien
- Cuny T, Pertuit M, Sahnoun-Fathallah M, Daly AF, Occhi G, Odou MF, Tabarin A, Nunes ML, Delemer B, Rohmer V, Desailloud R, Kerlan V, Chabre O, Sadoul JL, Cogne M, Caron P, Cortet C, Lienhardt-Roussie A, Raingeard I, Guedj AM, Brue T, Beckers A, Weryha G, Enjalbert A, Barlier A. Genetic analysis in young patients with sporadic pituitary macroadenomas:Beside AIP don't forget MEN1 genetic analysis. Eur J Endocrinol 2013;168:533-41. Lien
- Trzepizur W, Le Vaillant M, Meslier N, Pigeanne T, Masson P, Humeau MP, Bizieux-Thaminy A, Goupil F, Chollet S, Ducluzeau PH, Gagnadoux F. Independent association between nocturnal intermittent hypoxemia and metabolic dyslipidemia. Chest 2013 (sous presse).
- Bonnet F, Cephise FL, Gautier A, Dubois S, Massart C, Camara A, Larifla L, Balkau B, Ducluzeau PH. Role of sex steroids, intra-hepatic fat and liver enzymes in the association between SHBG and metabolic features. Clin Endocrinol. 2012 (sous presse).
- Ducluzeau PH, Boursier J, Bertrais S, Dubois S, Gauthier A, Rohmer V, Gagnadoux F, Leftheriotis G, Cales P, Andriantsitohaina R, Roullier V, Aubé C. MRI measurement of liver fat content predicts the metabolic syndrome. Diabetes Metab. 2013 (sous presse).
- Porro C, Di Gioia S, Trotta T, Lepore S, Panaro MA, Battaglino A, Ratclif L, Castellani S, Bufo P, Martinez MC, Conese M. Pro-inflammatory effect of cystic fibrosis sputum microparticles in the murine lung. J Cystic Fibrosis 2013 (in press).
- Jacques C, Guillotin D, Fontaine JF, Franc B, Mireabeau-Prunier D, Fleury A, Malthiery Y, Savagner F. DNA microarray and miRNA analyses reinforce the classification of folicular thyroid tumors. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013 (in press).
- Mirebeau-Prunier D, Le Pennec S, Jacques C, Fontaine JF, Gueguen N, Boutet-Bouzamondo N, Donnart A, Malthièry Y, Savagner F. Estrogen-related receptor alpha modulates lactate dehydrogenase activity in thyroid tumors. PLoS One 2013, 8:e58683. Lien
- Agouni A, Andriantsitohaina R, Martinez MC. Microparticles as biomarkers of vascular dysfunction in metabolic síndrome and its individual components. Curr Vasc Pharmacol 2013 (in press).
- Puissant C, Abraham P, Durand S, Humeau-Heurtier A, Faure S, Lefthériotis G, Rousseau P, Mahé G. Reproductibility of non-invasive assessment of skin endotelial function using laser Doppler flowmetry and laser speckle contrast imaging. PLoS One 2013, 8:e61320.
- Burneau A, Feuilloy M, Dussaussoy C, Gagnadoux F, Leftheriotis G, Abraham P. The walking-induced transient hack concept is valid and relies on a transient early-exercise hypoxemia. PLoS One 2013, 8:e62651
- Hallab M, Collette M, Terrier-Barbeau C, Legrand M, Ducluzeau PH, Berrut G, Lefthériotis G. Regional and peripheral arterial stiffness measured by pOpmetre® in patients with Cvx risk factor, link with carotid plaques.Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris) 2013, 62:189-92..
- Soleti R, Porro C, Martínez MC.Apoptotic process in cystic fibrosis cells. Apoptosis 2013, 18:1029-38
- Benarbia ME, Macherel D, Faure S, Jaques C, Andriantsitohaina R, Malthiery Y. Plasmatic concentration of organochlorine lindane acts as metabolic disruptors in HepG2 liver cell line by inducing mitochondrial disorder. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2013. Lien
- Buton L, Morel O, Gault P, Illouz F, Rodien P, Rohmer V. False-positive Iodine-131 whole-body scan findings in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma: Report of 11 cases and review of the literature. Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2013, 74:221-230.
- Marrachelli VG, Mastronardi ML, Sarr M, Soleti R, Leonetti D, Martínez MC, Andriantsitohaina R.Sonic hedgehog carried by microparticles corrects angiotensin II-induced hypertension and endothelial dysfunction in mice. PLoS ONE 2013, 8: e72861.
- Leonetti D, Reimund JM, Tesse A, Viennot S, Martinez MC, Bretagne AL, Andriantsitohaina R. Circulating microparticles from Crohn’s disease patients cause endothelial and vascular dysfunctions. PLoS ONE 2013, 8: e73088
- Bidault G, Garcia M, Vantyghem MC, Ducluzeau PH, Morichon R, Thiyagarajah K, Moritz S, Capeau J, Vigouroux C, Béréziat V. Lipodystrophy-linked LMNA p.R482W mutation induces clinical early atherosclerosis and in vitro endothelial dysfunction. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2013, 33: 2162-2171.
- Schmidt-Tanguy A, Voswinkel J, Henrion D, Subra J, Loufrani L, Rohmer V, Ifrah N, Belizna C. Anti-thrombotic effects of hydroxychloroquine in primary antiphospholipid syndrome patients. J Thromb Haemost. 2013 (in press).
- Benameur T, Chappard D, Fioleau E, Andriantsitohaina R, Martinez MC, Clere N, Marchand-Libouban H. Plasma cells release membrane microparticles in a mouse model of multiple myeloma. Micron 2013 (in press).
- Gagnadoux F, Le Vaillant M, Paris A, Pigeanne T, Chollet S, Masson P, Bizieux-Thaminy A, Humeau MP, Meslier N; IRSR sleep cohort group. Adherence to positive airway pressure in non-sleepy patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Eur Respir J. 2013, 42: 863-866.
- Martinez MC. Extracellular vesicles: small but strong. Cardiovasc Res. 2013:
- Joncquel-Chevalier Curt M, Cheillan D, Briand G, Salomons GS, Mention-Mulliez K, Dobbelaere D, Cuisset JM, Lion-François L, Des Portes V, Chabli A, Valayannopoulos V, Benoist JF, Pinard JM, Simard G, Douay O, Deiva K, Tardieu M, Afenjar A, Héron D, Rivier F, Chabrol B, Prieur F, Cartault F, Pitelet G, Goldenberg A, Bekri S, Gerard M, Delorme R, Porchet N, Vianey-Saban C, Vamecq J. Creatine and guanidinoacetate reference values in a French population. Mol Genet Metab. 2013, 110: 263-267.
- Arnoux JB, Damaj L, Napuri S, Serre V, Hubert L, Cadoudal M, Simard G, Ceballos I, Christa L, de Lonlay P. Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency is a cause of long-fasting hypoglycemia. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98:4279-84.
- Lavaud A, Richomme P, Litaudon M, Andriantsitohaina R, Guilet D. Antiangiogenic Tocotrienol Derivatives from Garcinia amplexicaulis. J Nat Prod. 2013 (sous press).
- Gagnadoux F, Tamisier R, Pepin JL, Dauvilliers Y, d'Ortho MP. [Introduction to the thematic series: "Sleep"]. Rev Mal Respir. 2013;30:817.