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INSERM UMR 1063 : Stress oxydant et pathologies métaboliques (SOPAM)

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    • Berrehare A, Priou P, Oberti F, Bouvier A, Gagnadoux F. Porto-Pulmonary venous anastomosis: a reversible cause of chronic hypoxemia in portal hypertension. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2019 (in press).
    • Bocca C, Kane MS, Veyrat-Durebex C, Nzoughet JK, Chao de la Barca JM, Chupin S, Alban J, Procaccio V, Bonneau D, Simard G, Lenaers G, Reynier P, Chevrollier A. Lipidomics reveals triacylglycerol accumulation due to impaired fatty acid flux in opa1-disrupted fibroblasts. J Proteome Res. 2019;18:2779-2790.
    • Borel AL, Tamisier R, Böhme P, Priou P, Avignon A, Benhamou PY, Hanaire H, Pépin JL, Kessler L, Valensi P, Darmon P, Gagnadoux F. Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in patients living with diabetes: which patients should be screened? Diabetes Metab. 2019;45:91-101
    • Bousseau S, Marchand M, Soleti R, Vergori L, Hilairet G, Recoquillon S, Le Mao M, Gueguen N, Khiati S, Clarion L, Bakalara N, Martinez MC, Germain S, Lenaers G, Andriantsitohaina R. Phostine 3.1a as a pharmacological compound with anti-angiogenic properties against diseases with excess vascularization. FASEB J 2019;33:5864-5875.
    • Bouvard C, Genet N, Phan C, Rode B, Thuillet R, Tu L, Robillard P, Campagnac M, Soleti R, Dumas De La Roque E, Delcambre F, Cronier L, Parpaite T, Maurat E, Berger P, Savineau JP, Marthan R, Guignabert C, Freund-Michel V, Guibert C. Connexin 43 Is a promising target for pulmonary hypertension due to hypoxemic lung disease. Eur Respir J. 2019
    • Bueno-Betí B, Novella S, Soleti R, Mompeón A, Vergori L, Sanchís J, Andriantsitohaina R, Martínez MC, Hermenegildo C. Microparticles harboring sonic hedgehog morphogen improve the vasculogenesis capacity of endothelial progenitor cells derived from myocardial infarction patients. Cardiovasc Res 2019;115:409-418.
    • Buisset A, Gohier P, Leruez S, Muller J, Amati-Bonneau P, Lenaers G, Bonneau D, Simard G, Procaccio V, Annweiler C, Milea D, Reynie P, Chao de la Barca JM. Metabolomic profiling of aqueous humor in glaucoma points to taurine and spermine deficiency: findings from the Eye-D study. J Proteome Res. 2019;18:1307-1315
    • Carpentier C, Dubois S, Mohammedi K, Belhatem N, Bouhanick B, Rohmer V, Briet C, Bumbu A, Hadjadj S, Roussel R, Potier L, Velho G, Marre M. Glycosuria amount in response to hyperglycaemia and risk for diabetic kidney disease and related events in Type 1 diabetic patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2019;34(10):1731-1738.
    • Chao de la Barca JM, Arrázola MS, Bocca C, Arnauné-Pelloquin L, Iuliano O, Tcherkez G, Lenaers G, Simard G, Belenguer P, Reynier P. The metabolomic signature of opa1 deficiency in rat primary cortical neurons shows aspartate/glutamate depletion and phospholipids remodeling. Sci Rep. 2019;9:6107.
    • De Luca A, Baudry VA, Wargny M, Chaillous L, Hadjadj S, Cariou B, Dubois S, Briet C, Kerlan V, Guilhem I, Fradet G, Gouet D, Perlemoine C, Ragot S, Saulnier PJ, Ducluzeau PH; VARDIA study group. Eating behaviours associated with glycaemic variability and fear of hypoglycaemia in adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Metab. 2019;S1262-3636(19)30187-9.
    • Gagnadoux F, Boursier J, Calès P, Trzepizur W. Obstructive sleep apnoea and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Which patients should be referred to hepatologists? Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2019;43:e90-e92.
    • Guimarães-Costa R, Similowski T, Rivals I, Morélot-Panzini C, Nierat MC, Bui MT, Akbar D, Straus C, Romero NB, Michel PP, Menegaux F, Salachas F, Gonzalez-Bermejo J, Bruneteau G; RespiStimALS team; contributors to the RespiStimALS study were: Human diaphragm atrophy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is not predicted by routine respiratory measures. Eur Respir J. 2019;53(2).
    • Koffi C, Soleti R, Nitiema M, Mallegol P, Hilairet G, Chaigneau J, Boursier J, Kamagate M, Le Lay S, Die-Kakou HM, Andriantsitohaina R. Ethanol extract of leaves of Cassia siamea Lam protects against diabetes-induced insulin resistance, hepatic and endothelial dysfunctions in ob/ob mice Oxid Med Cell Longev 2019;2019: 6560498
    • Kouassi Nzoughet J, Chao de la Barca JM, Guehlouz K, Leruez S, Coulbault L, Allouche S, Bocca C, Muller J, Amati-Bonneau P, Gohier P, Bonneau D, Simard G, Milea D, Lenaers G, Procaccio V, Reynier P. Nicotinamide deficiency in primary open-angle glaucoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019;60:2509-2514.
    • Le Mao R, Tromeur C, Paleiron N, Sanchez O, Gagnadoux F, Jouneau S, Magnan A, Hayem-Vannimenus C, Dansou A, Proust A, Dion A, Larhantec G, Brestec AL, Dewitte JD, Roche N, Leroyer C, Couturaud F. Effect of early initiation of varenicline on smoking cessation in COPD patients admitted for exacerbation: the save randomized clinical trial. COPD. 2019, 19:1-8.
    • Malloci M, Perdomo L, Verasaamy M, Andriantsitohaina R, Simard G, Martinez MC. Extracellular vesicles: mechanisms in human health and disease. Antioxid Red Signal 2019;30:813-856.
    • Nitiéma M, Soleti R, Koffi C, Belemnaba L, Mallegol P, Ouédraogo N, Kini BF, Ouédraogo S, Guissou IP, Andriantsitohaina R. Ethyl acetate fraction of Lannea microcarpa Engl. K. Krause (Anacardiaceae) trunk barks corrects angiotensin II-induced hypertension and endothelial dysfunction in mice. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2019;2019:9464608.
    • Paboeuf C, Priou P, Meslier N, Roulaud F, Trzepizur W, Gagnadoux F. Ticagrelor-associated shift from obstructive to central sleep apnea: a case report. J Clin Sleep Med. 2019;15:1179-1182
    • Parton RG, del Pozo MA, Vassilopoulos S, Nabi IR, Le Lay S, Lundmark R, Kenworthy AK, Camus A, Blouin CM, Sessa WC, Lamaze C. Caveolae: The FAQs. Traffic
    • Recoquillon S, Pépin JL, Vielle B, Andriantsitohaina R, Chouet-Girard F, Fleury B, Goupil F, Launois S, Martinez MC, Meslier N, Bironneau V, Nguyen XL, Paris A, Priou P, Tamisier R, Trzepizur W, Gagnadoux F. Effect of mandibular advancement therapy on inflammatory and metabolic biomarkers in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnoea: A randomized controlled trial. Thorax 2019;745:496-499.
    • Rousseau G, Chao de la Barca JM, Rougé-Maillart C, Teresiński G, Jousset N, Dieu X, Chabrun F, Prunier-Mirabeau D, Simard G, Reynier P, Palmiere C. A serum metabolomics signature of hypothermia fatalities involving arginase activity, tryptophan content, and phosphatidylcholine saturation. Int J Legal Med. 2019; 133:889-898.
    • Sabil A, Vanbuis J, Baffet G, Feuilloy M, Le Vaillant M, Meslier N, Gagnadoux F. Automatic identification of sleep and wakefulness using single-channel EEG and respiratory polygraphy signals for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea. J Sleep Res. 2019;28:e12795.
    • Saulnier PJ, Briet C, Gand E, Chaillous L, Dubois S, Bonnet F, Leguerrier AM5, Fradet G, Delcourt Crespin I, Kerlan V, Gouet D, Perlemoine C, Ducluzeau PH, Pichelin M, Wargny M, Gonder-Frederick L, Ragot S, Hadjadj S, Cariou B; VARDIA study group. No association between fear of hypoglycemia and blood glucose variability in type 1 diabetes: The cross-sectional VARDIA study. J Diabetes Complications. 2019;33:554-560.
    • Suteau V, Saulnier PJ, Wargny M, Gonder-Frederick L, Gand E, Chaillous L, Allix I, Dubois S, Bonnet F, Leguerrier AM, Fradet G, Delcourt Crespin I, Kerlan V, Gouet D, Perlemoine C, Ducluzeau PH, Pichelin M, Ragot S, Hadjadj S, Cariou B, Briet C; VARDIA study group. Association between sleep disturbances, fear of hypoglycemia and psychological well-being in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus, data from cross-sectional VARDIA study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2019;160:107988.
    • Veyrat-Durebex C, Bouzamondo N, Le Mao M, Chao de la Barca JM, Bris C, Dieu X, Simard G, Gadras C, Tessier L, Drui D, Borson-Chazot F, Barlier A, Reynier P, Mirebeau-Prunier D. Metabolomics signatures of a subset of RET variants according to their oncogenic risk level. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2019;26:379-389.
    • Wiviott SD, Raz I, Bonaca MP, Mosenzon O, Kato ET, Cahn A, Silverman MG, Zelniker TA, Kuder JF, Murphy SA, Bhatt DL, Leiter LA, McGuire DK, Wilding JPH, Ruff CT, Gause-Nilsson IAM, Fredriksson M, Johansson PA, Langkilde AM, Sabatine MS; DECLARE–TIMI 58 Investigators: Bansilal S, Furtado R, Fish MP, Gabovitch D, Jevne A, Ahern S, Im K, Goodrich EL, Lowe C, Fisher N, Gannon J, Trindade S, Towarowski A, Fox Y, Johnsson E, Ranft S, Faber B, Wallander M, Weiss A, Buskila A, Abola MTB, Ardissino D, Averkov O, Aylward P, Bode C, Bonnici F, Bonora E, Budaj AJ, Cernea S, Chiang CE, Cooper M, Dalby A, Deerochanawong C, Dellborg M, Diaz R, Dimulescu D, Eliaschewitz FG, Goudev AR, Hadjadj S, Herrera M, Huo Y, Jermendy G, Ji L, Kadowaki T, Kiss R, Kooy A, Kumar KMP, Lewis B, Litwak L, Lopez-Sendon J, Ma R, Merlini PA, Nauck MA, Nguyen TK, Nicolau JC, Ostgren CJ, Ophuis TO, Padilla F, Pais P, Park KS, Parkhomenko A, Ray K, Rosenstock J, Ruda M, Satman I, Shestakova M, Smahelova A, Spinar J, Strojek K, Sy R, Tankova T, Theroux P, Tkáč I, Van Gaal L, Wainstein J, Harrington RA, Droller MJ, Lee KL, Nesto RW, Tuomilehto J, Hedlin H, Desai M, Sayfer I, Alexanian S, Awtry E, Bentley-Lewis R, Berger CJ, Croce K, Desai A, Garg RK, Gelfand E, Gignac G, Goessling W, Ho C, Hochberg E, Lane A, Larrey D, Leeman DE, Lewis J, Link MS, McDonnell ME, Norden AD, Pande A, Rosenberg C, Rost N, Ruberg F, Schiff E, Silverman S, Singhal A, Wagner A, Wolpin B, Aizenberg D, Fernández M, Sala J, Maffei L, Luquez C, Waitman J, Rista L, Nardone L, Sposetti G, Cantero M, Alvarisqueta A, Montaña O, Cuadrado J, Cartasegna L, Baccaro C, Chertkoff A, Sanabria H, Vainstein N, Amerena J, Arya K, d'Emden M, Proietto J, Moses R, Colquhoun D, Stranks S, Lehman R, Hamilton A, Whelan A, Simpson R, Purnell P, Abhayaratna W, Hammett C, McKeirnan M, Sullivan D, Bach L, Hughes K, Mathieu C, Vercammen C, Scheen A, Van Gaal L, Duyck F, Cools F, De Wolf L, Verhaegen A, Nobels F, Missault L, Crenier L, Thoeng J, Wollaert B, Vandenbroucke M, Eliaschewitz F, Borges JLC, Turatti L, Lima FG, dos Santos F, Kerr Saraiva J, Pereira M, Pereira A, Precoma DB, Filho G FV, Reis G, Maia LN, Bacheva T, Temelkova-Kurktschiev T, Maneva S, Stoyanovska B, Boshnyashka R, Tankova T, Stoykova Y, Georgiev D, Tagarev Z, Dimitrova E, Vitkina M, Yordanova L, Temelkova M, Vasileva S, Kuneva T, Zyumbyuleva M, Daskalova I, Genadieva V, Boyanov L, Farah G, Lazarova G, Georgieva M, Krasteva S, Slavcheva A, Yabroudi N, Veleva N, Zlateva A, Damyanova V, Elenkova A, Kotselova T, Genov K, Lyubenova L, Temelkova N, Harizanova B, Zaharieva S, Bajaj H, Goldenberg R, Aronson R, Twum-Barima D, Dumas R, Kouz S, Kaiser SM, Ajala B, Cha J, Teitelbaum I, Chouinard G, Woo V, Dan Dattani I, Mazza G, Gaudet D, Poirier P, Conway J, Dion D, McKeough M, Manyari D, Harris S, St-Pierre B, Yale JF, Landry D, Gupta M, Hramiak I, Lau D, DeGrace M, Gallo R, Montigny M, Dzongowski P, Liutkus J, Frechette A, Gosselin G, Sabbah E, Langlois MF, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Bedard J, Hart R, Dowell A, Pandey A, O'Keefe D, Hill L, Weisnagel SJ, Muirhead N, Zimmermann R, Galiwango P, Leiter LA, Tobe S, Priestman B, Zinman B, Ma J, Zhao X, Wang C, Zhang A, Dong Y, Dong X, Luo M, Guo J, Zheng Z, Li Y, Liang Y, Li Y, Ji L, Peng D, Špinar J, Maděřič D, Šmahelová A, Špinarová L, Raclavská L, Ludka O, Řiháček I, Karasová J, Pelikánová M, Vlasáková H, Urbancová K, Zamrazil V, Hradec J, Vlašicová H, Račická E, Okénka L, Náplava R, Skopeček J, Pálová S, Krystl T, Píštěk Z, Oznerová M, Andresová A, Šarbochová R, Táborská P, Petrová I, Staněk L, Reichert P, Lorenc Z, Szabó M, Petit C, Krempf M, Hadjadj S, Boye A, Dubois S, Clavel S, Gourdy P, Elbaz M, Jazayeri S, Gouet D, Verges B, Couffinhal T, Sendeski M, Klausmann G, Appel K, Pein M, Thieme R, Schumm-Draeger P, Jacob S, Toursarkissian N, Kleinecke-Pohl U, Tschöpe D, Ott P, Haak T, Nauck M, Derwahl K, Bugger H, Ma R, Hui G, Tsang C, Zilahi Z, Püski L, Vangel S, Fülöp T, Jermendy G, Páll K, Hidvégi T, Révész K, Korányi L, Kajetán M, Kerényi Z, Pénzes J, Herczeg B, Lászlóczky Á, Turi T, Rapi J, Péntek Z, Gaál Z, Winkler G, Percs E, Czigány A, Harcsa E, Gurzó M, Tassaly J, Horthy R, Petró G, Faragó K, Müller G, Varju I, Kirschner R, Kiss I, Bakai J, Kancz S, Marton Z, Kodur R, Yajnik C, Thomas N, Ayyar V, Iyengar P, Bashkin A, Daoud D, Lewis B, Itzhak B, Katz A, Wainstein J, Tsur A, Nikolsky E, Atar S, Grossman A, Klainman E, Mosenzon O, Tsalihin D, Shotan A, Turgeman Y, Ferrario M, Merlini P, Bonora E, Piatti P, Zenari L, Trevisan R, Bosco B, Di Lorenzo L, Mannucci E, Avogaro A, Reimers B, Trimarco B, Silvestri O, Salvioni A, Nakagawa H, Sueyoshi A, Fukuda K, Yasumoto H, Matsubayashi S, Kawajiri K, Togashi Y, Senokuchi T, Ohta Y, Yamauchi T, Node K, Alcocer Gamba M, Herrera Marmolejo M, De los Rios Ibarra M, González Gálvez G, García Cantú E, Leguízamo Dimas A, Luna Ceballos R, Medina Pech C, Stobschinski de Alba C, González González J, Padilla Padilla F, Fanghänel Salmón G, Robles Torres F, López Rosas E, Pelayo Orozco E, Banda Elizondo R, Escalona Caamaño A, Frenk Baron P, Aguilar Salinas C, Mustieles Rocha C, Vidrio Velázquez M, Rodríguez Briones I, Saldate Alonso M, Velasco Sánchez R, Kooy A, Groenemeijer B, Ronner E, Kuijper A, Strikwerda S, Van Kempen W, Gijsbers S, Oude Ophuis A, Swart H, Hoogenberg K, Hovens M, van Hessen M, Westerink J, Kragten J, Nierop P, Bax W, Hartong S, Nieuwdorp M, Gonkel F, Al Windy N, Troquay R, Schaafsma H, Lieverse A, Knufman N, Hovens M, Tirador L, Guenon M, Ferrolino A, Sy R, Atilano A, Aportadera M, Que M, Denopol M, Tolentino M, Jimeno C, Wee J, Mirasol R, Panelo A, Roxas D, Abola M, Palmes P, Silva A, Salvador D, Rosita R, Maravilla L, Rogelio G, Pacheco E, Tin Hay L, Prado J, Krzyżagórska E, Witek R, Mikłaszewicz B, Sudnik W, Pomiećko W, Bochenek A, Fares I, Wujkowski M, Korol M, Powierża S, Strojek K, Goch A, Miękus P, Siegel A, Skierkowska J, Romańczuk P, Cygler J, Łanda K, Szyprowska E, Stachlewski P, Czerski T, Pawłowicz L, Sowiński D, Romanowski L, Rudzki H, Skórski M, Jasiel-Wojculewicz H, Stasiewski A, Budaj A, Kania G, Mirek-Bryniarska E, Wojnowski Ł, Korzeniak R, Oh T, Park K, Lee M, Lee K, Jang H, Kim S, Ku B, Cha B, Son H, Lee I, Park J, Yu S, Park J, Shon H, Rhee E, Kim S, Cho J, Park T, Nam J, Pintilei E, Popescu A, Nafornita V, Gutu O, Dumitrescu A, Bala C, Caceaune E, Mindrescu N, Morosanu M, Bradescu O, Munteanu M, Voitec M, Vlaiculescu M, Hancu N, Diaconu Sotropa M, Lupu S, Cernea S, Mateescu A, Carlan L, Marton R, Lupusoru D, Mot A, Coman A, Zaharie D, Rebrov A, Shutemova E, Bolieva L, Khalimov Y, Statsenko M, Galyavich A, Koziolova N, Shapovalova Y, Pavlysh E, Strongin L, Vertkin A, Vishneva E, Pavlova M, Khasanov N, Antsiferov M, Gavrisheva I, Sokolova N, Vorobyev S, Morugova T, Sinitsina I, Ezhov A, Kobalava Z, Belenkiy D, Supryadkina T, Kazakov Y, Oschepkova E, Dreval A, Novikova T, Vishnevsky A, Chizhov D, Akatova E, Vorokhobina N, Ivanov I, Dudinskaya E, Konstantinov V, Kanderková D, Pavlík L, Rašlová K, Paulovič V, Babíková J, Belešová K, Merčiaková M, Truban J, Vargová A, Fábryová Ľ, Tkáč I, Slovenská M, Plášil R, Tomášová L, Kollárová D, Spodniaková D, Košíková M, Džuponová J, Kurčová I, Skripova D, Gabrišová A, Kalinová S, Ranjith N, Burgess L, Mitha I, Conradie M, Distiller L, Pillai P, Pillay S, Horak A, Nethononda R, van den Berg E, Nortje H, Bayat J, Corbett C, Abelson M, van Zyl L, Pillay T, Wing J, Dalby A, Kapp C, Hidalgo Urbano R, Gonzalez Juanatey J, Blanco Coronado J, Bruguera Cortada J, Ferreiro Gutierrez J, Quesada Simon M, Castro A, Delgado Álvarez E, Freixa R, Boada A, Larnefeldt H, Mooe T, Koskinen P, Lagerbäck P, Linderfalk C, Liu B, Berndtsson Blom K, Tengmark B, Lindholm C, Östgren C, Oweling M, Albertsson P, Alvarsson M, Fant S, Berglund O, Dellborg M, Hsia C, Chiang C, Fang C, Ueng K, Wang K, Lai W, Mamanasiri S, Deerochanawong C, Wongvipaporn C, Kuanprasert S, Thongsri T, Srimahachota S, Boonyavarakul A, Suwanwalaikorn S, Tantiwong P, Sritara P, Sriwijitkamol A, Sanguanwong S, Chotinaiwattarakul C, Piyayotai D, Balci M, Orbay E, Satman I, Saygili F, Oguz A, Altuntas Y, Comlekci A, Karpenko O, Tkach S, Vlasenko M, Fushtey I, Pertseva T, Reshotko D, Mostovoy Y, Vizir V, Kraiz I, Amosova K, Batushkin V, Tseluyko V, Koval O, Strang C, Bodalia B, Pieters R, Turner W, Asamoah-Owusu N, White C, Calvert J, McNally D, Jones N, McKaig G, Thompson J, Mohr S, Simpson H, Conn P, McCoye A, Rivero O, Yazdani S, Ince C, Zeitlin J, Wharton T, Platt G, Anderson RJ, Angueira-Serrano E, Lillestol M, Hanlon B, Soufer J, Garcia B, Iteld B, Venugopal C, Ahmed A, Duardo-Guerra Y, Jetty P, Miranda A, Wahlen J, Lederman S, Cohen K, Lake L, French WJ, Tahirkheli N, Baker S, Stoltz R, Wilson J, Nadar V, Brown J, Larrain G, Wiseman A, Ruoff G, Williams M, Tan A, Hartman I, Singh N, Graf R, Wakefield P, McNeill R, Byars W, Reyes Almodovar R, Jones S, Kantaros L, Hegedosh N, Graves M, Bernstein M, Falkowski S, Bialow M, Paraschos A, Dagher G, Arif A, Condit J, Chaykin L, Grunstra B, Earl J, Unks D, Srivastava S, Benson M, Huffman C, Miller G, Willis J, Bender K, Martin E, Blackmore R, Rohr K, Chilka S, Gadowski G, Fitz-Patrick D, Benjamin S, Morin D, Zias Dilena A, Acosta R, Claassen D, Miranda F, Raad G, Inzerello A, Porter J, Bhattacharya A, Gutmann J, Korpas D, Syed M, Zieve F, Raisinghani A, Alam S, Bartkowiak A, Boccalandro F, Talano J, Mercado A, Krichmar P, Oldfield C, Adams K, Gorman T, Lewis D, Shah R, Shockey G, Lefebvre G, Andrawis N, Tami L, Bittar N, Khan MS, Rink L, Hendrix E, Wood J, Robinson J, Pavon H, Irfan M, Gonzalez E, Singal R, Shore K, Saba F, Bianco J, Erickson B, Gorson D, Puri S, Arauz-Pacheco C, Forman S, Akyea-Djamson A, Lieber I, Barker B, Desai P, Sotolongo C, Steinhoff J, Hill R, Radin M, Patel R, Lieberman S, Wenocur H, Dagogo-Jack S, Lupovitch S, Ison R, Bacharach JM, Diogo J, Mazzella M, Greenwald J, Quadrel M, Mayer N, Datu J, McCartney M, Bruce T, Singal D, Turner J, Videau B, Fritz R, Fox D, Calatayud G, Sheldon W, Kereiakes D, Thomas J, Salacata A, McCullum K, Harris B, de Souza J, Rahman A, Blumenthal S, Narayan P, Bloch M, Augenbraun C, Bernstein R, Perlman R, Berman J, LaBryer L, Wynne A, Fish J, Zarich S, Shah R, Gabra N, Popeil L, Hermany P, Barreto A, Pomposini D, Gonzalez-Campoy JM, Langer M, Bayron C, Suneja R, Kamlet J, Fang C, Wheeler K, Hurley S, Sharma S, Wefald F, Hershon K, O'Connor T, Pueblitz G, Laguerre J, Amin M, Nadar V, Alfonso T, Jaffrani N, Isserman S, Portnay E, Vlastaris A, Dy J, Hagan M, Noveck H, Kraft P, Andersen J, Foley B, Carr K, Gelormini J, Williams T, Landau C, Richwine R, Thakkar M, Karim A, Madhun Z, Francyk D, Lamantia J, Baker B, Zhang W, Lev V, Hasan M, Captain A, Herzog W, Friedman K, Lawson W, Desai V, Ow C, Simons R, Mandviwala M, Le T, Hack T, Zebrack J, Henderson D, DeJulia J, Mehta R, Reza S, Poonawala R, Awad A, Velasquez M, Mohiuddin S, Salazar Sharma M, Myrick G, Gottlieb D, Ovalle F, Alfieri A, Ahmed S, Bohula E, Donahoe SM, Longshaw K, Eshaghian S, Lash J, Goldberg RK, Fox B, Mostel E, Dobies D, Ward H, Burbano J, Puleo P, Lenhard MJ, Korn D, Thadani U, Bradley A III, Kmetzo J, Heasley E, Raikhel M, Mahr N, Bittar G, Fuentes F, Raghu P, Diep TTB, Tran QK, Tran N, Nguyen D, Nguyễn V. Dapagliflozin and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2019;380:347-357.